Email Campaigns. Designs for Health
Digital marketing campaign components

This Campaign Broke Things
Designs for Health’s total unit stock of these new probiotic supplements was sold within days of the campaign launch. Backorders stacked up for several weeks thereafter. While other components of the campaign contributed to the overwhelming demand, email is DFH’s primary method for immediate and broad outreach to its customer base of healthcare practitioners. Open and clicks-through rates were up significantly for this email campaign compared to two prior product campaigns that I helped direct, including Keto-Nootropic featured below.
Two prerogatives were to 1) aim for a more immersive reveal of product information while keeping it simple, and 2) minimize the length and breadth of content in each promotional email.
In the two prior product launch campaigns, we were able to distill the key takeaways with relative ease due to the products’ formulas being fairly proprietary. Essentially, we could comfortably summarize those takeaways into quick headlines “above the fold” and in the subject and preheader lines. For ProbioMed however, we were tasked with conveying four attributes, commonly touted by competing products yet more nuanced and meaningful in DFH’s offering, as early in the storytelling process as possible. Potency in dose; stability of the colony forming units at dosage and after ingestion; diversity of the strains; and transparency of in identifying all strains in the product as well as shelf life. The team distilled the messaging to four, single-word headlines from which the story could expand.
To capture all that information in a short scroll email, without inundating the reader with esoteric jargon, we saw an opportunity to leverage gifs. This also allowed us to inject a bit of mystery into the story, affecting both design and copy, producing higher than anticipated open and click-through rates. This is in comparison to the prior campaign emails that sought to provide nearly the same amount of detail featured on the corresponding Landing Pages. We replicated the gif approach across two unique email blasts for the ProbioMed campaign with each producing stellar metrics.
So in a way, this campaign not only broke their sales expectations, but also broke the client’s normal mode of thinking from wanting to present as much scientific information to their customers upfront, to that storytelling. The correlation between the creative team’s recommendations and sales couldn’t have been more clear.

Connecting Health Outcomes